Speculative Design: Augmented Reality Fashion

What if we wore augmented reality fashion in the future or lived within virtual realities, for which we bought digital garments? In 2050, we might interact with each others’ avatars in virtual worlds—what will we be wearing then?
For the Design Senior Seminar course, a Speculative Design project challenged us to imagine an aspect of the world in 2050. I was interested in exploring digital fashion and what it means from accessibility and sustainability perspectives. For example, when considered alongside traditional manufacturing, is there an environmental impact to developing and distributing “zero waste” digital garments through the data process involved and if yes, should it be important to us?
For the Design Senior Seminar course, a Speculative Design project challenged us to imagine an aspect of the world in 2050. I was interested in exploring digital fashion and what it means from accessibility and sustainability perspectives. For example, when considered alongside traditional manufacturing, is there an environmental impact to developing and distributing “zero waste” digital garments through the data process involved and if yes, should it be important to us?
Digital Fashion Design
Tools: Illustrator, CLO3D
Year: 2021-Present
Tools: Illustrator, CLO3D
Year: 2021-Present

I experimented for the first time with the software CLO3D to design a 3D model of a dress. The process involved first importing a pattern and digitally sewing the pieces of fabric together in the software, simulating the dress on the avatar to adjust the fit and draping, and testing different fabrics, colors, and hardware. Within the short time frame of the project, I was not able to design an environment – the background comes from Unsplash.
Currently exploring possibilities to integrate the dress with Augmented Reality and virtually try it on through Spark AR or other tools.