
Selection of work created while interning as a Digital Media Producer on the Comms Digital Studio team at Spotify from June – August 2022. Over the summer I created digital content including invites, animations, and graphics for events and SpotifyNews social media channels, as well as designed new interactive website pages for their blog, For the Record.
Comms Digital Studio (CDS) Team:
Kelly Teh, Global Lead
Maxwell Pepper, Senior Graphic Designer
Tobias Larsson, Senior Digital Media Producer
Gustav Ulvback, Digital Media Producer
Tom Burnell, Digital Media Producer
Larissa Lamothe, Digital Media Producer
Jim Lampi, Digital Designer

For the Record
Liner Notes: Innovation

I assisted the team and worked with lead designer Maxwell Pepper on developing the design for a new interactive page on For the Record, focused on the theme of innovation across Spotify. 

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Project led by Naomi Barnett and Scott Henkemeyer.
Illustrations by Maxwell Pepper and animation by Tobias Larsson and Jim Lampi.
Development by Group SJR.

2022 Wrapped Editorial Experience

I worked with lead designer Maxwell Pepper and our team lead Kelly Teh on the UX/UI design for the 2022 Wrapped Editorial Experience on For the Record. We adapted the graphic identity developed by the Spotify Brand Design team, into this digital editorial experience. Highlights from the landing page and one of the individual features below. 

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Spotify’s 2022 Wrapped on For the Record was awarded a Webby for Best Branded Editorial Experience in 2023 ︎︎︎

Social media graphics

Selection of designs created for the SpotifyNews Instagram over the course of the summer internship.

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